CSE Survey Analysis
As a whole, the Directorate is trending in a positive direction, averaging over 90% satisfaction, up from 86% in 2021 and 80% in 2019. This reflects the fact that nearly all services throughout the directorate improved upon the previous year's satisfaction rate.
Please contact us here for information on specific service performance.

2021/22 Standards
All standards have been met within the Directorate EXCEPT for the following:
Publishing of performance up until March 22: this is because of staff capacity to develop this website. Standards were being monitored but not published as required.
Inter Library Loan requests will be dealt within 2 working days of receipt. We aim to satisfy 96% of request within 7 working days.
This was not the case during January and February of 2022 due to staff absence - pandemic and parental leave.
Student Services
All student letter requests to be completed within 5 working days.
This was not met during September and October 2020 due to increased demand. This standard is likely to change to 10 days during this period of the academic year.
Disability Services
We will offer at least 2 drop-in sessions per week.
This was not the case during November and December due to home working and CPD activity.
2021-22 Planning Update
Directorate of Student Services & Experience
Annual Planning Process 2022- Summary of progress from 2021
In July 2021 the Student Experience department was restructured and two new teams were established - Student Life and Learning Life which became part of the Directorate which included Sport and Wellness Centre, Library and Student Services. I have outlined the main success and challenges in relation to each department and their plan on a page for 2021. With the exception of Student Life and Learning Life we were successful in achieving the Customer Service Excellence re-accreditation and this was a great achievement by the teams given the context of the pandemic.
- The development and re-design of the Library website improved student engagement and gave students a contemporary design.
- Library NSS benchmarking improved above the sector benchmarking
- LEAP online was moved to the Library and a full audit and review commenced with further developments and closer collaborative working with colleagues across the University
- Development of services to provide a hybrid support of in person and online appointments and workshops.
- Acquisition of new resources, self service kiosks in the Library (expected June 2022), off campus can access UoB digital resources.
Student Services
- Development of online student support platform (Blackbullion) was established and developed which has provided students with access to budgeting and money advice online. This has contributed significantly to our environmental sustainability agenda by removing the need for printed and guidance and applications.
- Expansion and co-working of the Life Lounge and Disability team by holding joint team meetings, closer working and improved communication workflows.
- Introduced and developed services to students both face to face and remotely, students are given a choice as to how they access services.
- Development and implementation of the Student Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy and Student Suicide prevention and response strategy, some developments have been paused due to staffing resources.
- Raising awareness of Wellbeing services throughout the student journey, staff have been more proactive in raising awareness of support services by a greater presence on campus and at induction events and we have delivered services at IoM and Queens.
- We have re-established links with partners and external agencies and continue to work with the Greater Manchester University Mental Health Services to support students.
Student Experience
Since the development of the plan on a page 2021 there has been significant changes within the service, the phased restructuring of the services has been completed. The remits of the newly created Student Life and Learning Life teams have been clearly defined. With this in mind a number of the objectives will be redefined and will remain ongoing into another planning cycle.
- Successful restructure of Student Experience Department.
- Increase in the number of Student Liaison Officers with a SLO embedded within each of the Faculties. The Student Liaison Officers have been relocated to student services and they have a dotted line to the Learning Life Manager for interventions that support and underpin the Access and Participation Plan and support retention.
- Successful appointments of staff who now provide stability, drive forward new initiatives and have clear focus on targeted initiatives, personal academic tutoring, peer support, student engagement and developing student experience (non-academic) activities.
- Redefinition and re-launch of the peer support framework has been implemented and will be trialled. Staff are being trained to support the Peer Assisted Study Scheme (PASS) and this is being targeted to support retention in IoM.
- Establishment of the Retention working group which provides strategic drive to improve retention, a new student survey group which focuses on NSS and University surveys. A new Induction working group to review and improve the transition and experience of students new to the University.
- Creation of a planned schedule of events, activities and initiatives to improve the student experience, the team work closely with the Students’ Union to create a student community. This is supported by an improved social media presence and online activities.
- Providing support for student consultations with Student Success Strategy, APP and the team are working across campus, IoM and Queens to engage with students, respond and act on feedback.
- Sport and Wellness Centre has moved into Student Life and working closely with the team to improve the offer to students.
- Greater understanding of the processes that surround retention and a university wide approach to improving retention. Improvements to the withdrawal process, reporting dashboards and pulse to improve KPIs.
- All services: staffing capacity due to staff absence, hybrid working to achieve social distancing (home and on-site) together with administrative processes linked to Track and Trace.